347 db munka és állásajánlat vár - Jobinfo

347 db munka és állásajánlat vár - Jobinfo


Római Teniszakadémia Center Kft.
Óbuda, III. kerület

Gondnok (szakmunkás vé...

Római Teniszakadémia Center Kft.
Óbuda, III. kerület


Római Teniszakadémia Center Kft.
Óbuda, III. kerület

Autóbuszvezetői állás ...


Biztosítóberendezési lakatos.

Cég neve: MÁV Zrt.

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest (Kőbánya-Kispest)

Forrás: Jobinfo
Forrás: Jobinfo
Amit ajánlunk:

Bérezés a munkakör betöltéséhez szükséges (munkáltató által biztosított) tanfolyam ideje alatt:

  • Br.383.000 Ft + juttatási csomag

A tanfolyam sikeres elvégzését követően a munkabér a szolgálati helytől és munkatapasztalattól függően pótlékokkal egészülhet ki. A pótlékokkal együtt elérhető havi jövedelem akár:

  • Bruttó 490.00-569.000 Ft + juttatási csomag

A juttatási csomag tartalmazza:

  • SZÉP-kártya juttatás (a hatályos belső szabályozás szerint)
  • hűség bónusz év végén (a hatályos belső szabályozás szerint)
  • min. bruttó 184.000 Ft/év (a havi bruttó alapbér 4%-ának megfelelő) önkéntes nyugdíjpénztári hozzájárulás
  • havi nettó 4000 Ft összegű önkéntes egészségpénztári tagdíj-hozzájárulás

A fenti juttatások a naptári évben ledolgozott munkanapok arányában kerülnek kifizetésre.

Amit ajánlunk továbbá:

  • biztos munkahely
  • kiszámítható munkaidő és jövedelem
  • utazási kedvezmény (belföldön és egyes nemzetközi vasútvonalakon), szabályozás szerint a családtagok részére is
  • kedvezményes országbérlet vásárlási lehetőség munkavállalóink részére
  • a tanulmányok idejére minden érintett munkavállalónak díjmentes szállás biztosítása
  • a vizsgákat sikeresen teljesítő munkavállalóknak budapesti vagy környéki pozíciókban kulturált munkavállalói szállás biztosítása, bővebb információ: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/szallaslehetosegek
  • szakmai fejlődési lehetőség
  • ruházati ellátás

Product Line Manager - Collaboration And Communication.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Forrás: Jobline - 15.
The world's largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 192-member National Societies. The overall aim of the organization is "to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maint...

Product Line Manager - Collaboration And Communication.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 17
Forrás: Jobline - 17
The world's largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 192-member National Societies. The overall aim of the organization is "to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maint...

Product Line Manager - Collaboration And Communication.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline TOP
Forrás: Jobline TOP
The world's largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 192-member National Societies. The overall aim of the organization is "to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maint...

Product Line Manager - Collaboration And Communication.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 1.
Forrás: Jobline - 1.
The world's largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 192-member National Societies. The overall aim of the organization is "to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maint...

Industrial Iot Engineer/ Solution Architect In Global It.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 17
Forrás: Jobline - 17
Our partner, Hungary's largest agricultural machinery manufacturing company, is looking for a new colleague in Budapest, for the Industrial IoT Engineer/ Solution Architect position. Industrial IoT Engineer/ Solution Architect in Global IT Feladatok In exciting projects, you will work closely with the business departments to develop concepts...

Industrial Iot Engineer/ Solution Architect In Global It.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Our partner, Hungary's largest agricultural machinery manufacturing company, is looking for a new colleague in Budapest, for the Industrial IoT Engineer/ Solution Architect position. Industrial IoT Engineer/ Solution Architect in Global IT Feladatok In exciting projects, you will work closely with the business departments to develop concepts...

Application Integration Engineer (.Net Developer).

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 17
Forrás: Jobline - 17
The Company is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 191-member National Societies (NSs). The overall aim of the Company is "to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by NSs with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the mai...

Application Integration Engineer (.Net Developer).

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Forrás: Jobline - 15.
The Company is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 191-member National Societies (NSs). The overall aim of the Company is "to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by NSs with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the mai...

Real Estate Manager.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Our partner is a leading multi-brand restaurant operator dedicated to delivering exceptional dining experiences across various markets worldwide. With a rich history spanning over two decades, our client has established itself as a global powerhouse in the food service industry. Our partner in numbers: 2143 stores 9 brands 21 countries more than...

Real Estate Manager.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 17
Forrás: Jobline - 17
Our partner is a leading multi-brand restaurant operator dedicated to delivering exceptional dining experiences across various markets worldwide. With a rich history spanning over two decades, our client has established itself as a global powerhouse in the food service industry. Our partner in numbers: 2143 stores 9 brands 21 countries more than...

Senior Business Analyst (It Developer Team) - German Speaking.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Our client is committed to driving innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability in a globally connected world. As part of a forward-thinking international team, they blend the strengths of people and technology to achieve meaningful results. Their goal is to consistently push the boundaries to connect people, businesses, and communities globally, al...

Senior Business Analyst (It Developer Team) - German Speaking.

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 17
Forrás: Jobline - 17
Our client is committed to driving innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability in a globally connected world. As part of a forward-thinking international team, they blend the strengths of people and technology to achieve meaningful results. Their goal is to consistently push the boundaries to connect people, businesses, and communities globally, al...

.Net Senior Web Developer (Sitecore).

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline TOP
Forrás: Jobline TOP
Our partner is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions underpinned by the worlds largest delivery network, our partner...

.Net Senior Web Developer (Sitecore).

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 1.
Forrás: Jobline - 1.
Our partner is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions underpinned by the worlds largest delivery network, our partner...

.Net Senior Web Developer (Sitecore).

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 17
Forrás: Jobline - 17
Our partner is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions underpinned by the worlds largest delivery network, our partner...

.Net Senior Web Developer (Sitecore).

Cég neve: Randstad Hungary Kft

Munkavégzés helye: Budapest

Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Forrás: Jobline - 15.
Our partner is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions underpinned by the worlds largest delivery network, our partner...