M&A Project Manager
Cég neve: Mol Magyar Olaj- És Gázipari Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
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Aktiválás dátuma: 2024-10-30
Állás bemutatása
M&A Project Manager
Main Tasks
Pro-active contribution to the identification of acquisition and divestiture targets.
Co-ordinate internal and external project teams
Improve on-the-job relationships of MOL Group further with the relevant authorities, partners, advisors and decision-makers.
Ensure direct supervision of the due diligence process, the preparation of the transaction documents and the internal decision-making materials.
Submit required proposals and the clear and comprehensive analysis enabling well-established decision-making.
Lead or co-lead transaction negotiations.
Ensure that the internal reporting and consultation mechanisms are fulfilled and consolidated into the business development processes at Group level
Contribute in recruitment, training and deve...